Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a very divisive game. The community is harsh, yet your enjoyment from winning clutch matches may mitigate this problem completely. One way to smooth CS:GO community experience is to follow the online etiquette specific to this game. Some of these rules are obscure and have a long history behind them. And this article will help you to navigate them with ease!
The toxicity of this community has many faces, for example, they can open case cs go, get a bad drop and flame the whole team for it. And watch their language, some of these swears and slurs are still unmatched to this day! You have to have tough skin in the first place to play any competitive online shooter. By having it, you are rarely avoiding the issue, unless Counter-Strike match etiquette is present.
CS: GO Etiquette 101
By watching top CS:GO streamers, you may notice some unnecessary actions in the game and in the voice chat. These actions are unspoken rules of polite play, all the veteran players know. But you do not have to play Counter Strike 1.6 in the 00s in order to learn them. CS:GO experts described the most important ones here.
First things first, appearance matters the most with people you meet for the first time (which always happens in online matchmaking). So you have to be polite with your teammates the whole journey together. Top abbreviations in chat to use:
- Good Game (GG);
- Have Fun (HF);
- Thank You (TY).
Typing this may be bothersome in the heat of the match. One of the ways to say «GG» without taking your finger off the trigger is to drop the weapon by pressing «G» on the keyboard. Run forward to pick it up immediately and continue the assault.
Try to help teammates during the match with so-called «drops». This term is used for weapons dropped on the ground for other players to pick up. It is important to manage the collective team funds that way.
Over communication is the best way to anger your teammates during the clutch round. Try to condense anything you want to say into 2–5 words at maximum. That way, only important information will be in voice and text chats.
AWP, the iconic clutch weapon, is often bought at the worst time possible. It costs $4.750 which definitely makes your next round eco if lost. It is always better to buy another weapon to avoid any risky place. Winning is a slow and steady process as professional players say.
Respect other players even you have bested them in a fair gun duel. Do not shoot bodies or crouch near them. It is very disrespectful behavior not only from the enemy standpoint, but from your own teammates one. Celebrate the victory in the team chat, enemies already have lost, there is no point in putting them down even more.
Why it is important
It is always easier to go for pride online. People do not even see each other faces! What is the point of listening to each other in this environment? Remember, being toxic online can and will affect your personal relationships. You cannot be a part-time good person, even in CS:GO. Be polite in the game, and the average number of toxic players will shrink to single digits.